Thursday, July 2, 2009

My college career....freshman year...almost

Well im going to school for baking and pastry arts. i have to say that im almost nervous.

  1. My dad is making me live on campus even though the commute is almost nothing
  2. I have two baking labs starting at 7 a.m. one on monday and the other tuesday.
  3. I dont have near enough money to cover everything from tuition, to room and board, to my uniform, to my knife set.
  4. Im screwed
Whatever. im pretty excited tho. my uniform includes.....

  1. A hat...a white hat
  2. white t-shirt
  3. white chef coat with own name on it
  4. neck tie
  5. blue checkered pants
  6. a white apron
  7. and black clogs

Im going to look silly and awesome all at once. lol

i hope i love baking still up in the air lol.... watching grease as i write this. at the moments grease lightning is on

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